Genre: Thriller


A grieving female CIA analyst goes undercover on a mission to stop a Frenchman from smuggling uranium to Iran, only to learn that he is also undercover and is working for her husband, who is still alive.


Laura Kelman, wife of CIA Case Officer Omar Kelman, wants to be more of a working partner

than a spouse. As a CIA analyst, she helped her husband develop a plan to intercept a suspected flow of

uranium secretly being funneled through the Congo Trail to Iran.

When Omar is killed on the job, she makes it her goal to become a case officer and take over where he

left off. Laura overcomes inter-office opposition to begin the transformation to a female Jack Ryan.

Pipe Dreams is the story of Laura’s relationship with Jean Claude Benoit, who has been selling American

aircraft parts to Iran for their fleet of American aircraft. In a twist, he is actually working for Mossad, and

the yellow cake he is smuggling is embedded with GPS tracking devices to discover Iran’s secret

enrichment facilities.

Laura identifies Jean Claude as the smuggler only to be caught and left in the jungle to die as Jean

Claude continues his operation with her possessions and vehicle. Later he finds a sat-phone in Laura’s

backpack and discovers CIA routing numbers that were called, so he backtracks to find her in order to

learn what information she has passed on. He saves Laura from poachers who kidnap her for ransom,

and once again they are on the road to the port with the uranium.

A SEAL rendition team intercepts the convoy and Jean Claude is flown to a Naval ship, but he has Laura

bring the lid to one of the barrels of uranium to show they have GPS tracking devices in them. The U.S. is

now interested in the uranium continuing its journey and Jean Claude is sent back to Port Sudan as a

captive, but also as a comrade to complete the mission of getting the uranium onto an Iranian ship.

The uranium is delivered, the Iranian facilities are discovered, but in a twist, it is not Israel who has been

working with Jean Claude, but instead a Saudi double agent, Laura’s husband Omar. Saudi Arabia attacks

and destroys the Iranian facilities and the U.S and Israel are blamed.

Jean Claude must be found to clear up the international uproar. Laura is able to accomplish this because

of Jean Claude’s desire to continue their relationship. Laura’s husband, who misled Jean Claude is

identified as one of the hit men sent to Istanbul to kill Jamal Khashoggi. He kidnaps Laura to get to Jean

Claude, but Laura reveals true grit in a searing action scene where she kills her husband.

Jean Claude is also killed and Laura is left to continue her work as a now-hardened and respected case officer, but she has her own plan.

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